Postponed Until 2021 - Covid-19
After a Zoom Call on July 16 of all hands who could remember
to join the call or remember how to use Zoom it was decided
to push the drill date until 2021.
Semper Fi
Click to View the 5 Paragraph Order
20 January 2020 Postponed Until 2021 - Covid-19
FROM: Drew Davis
TO: Members, Headquarters Detachment 4
SUBJ: Information re Reunion 2020, Annapolis, MD, 10-13 September
1. Situation. It’s time for rogering up to attend the
2020 reunion drill of the loyal members of Headquarters Det 4. The reunion will be held 10-13 September 2020 In Annapolis, Maryland, on the waterways of the Chesapeake Bay. Area of Operations will be historic downtown, Annapolis, the United States Naval Academy, Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, the Severn River and Chesapeake Bay.
1. Situation. It’s time for rogering up to attend the
2020 reunion drill of the loyal members of Headquarters Det 4. The reunion will be held 10-13 September 2020 In Annapolis, Maryland, on the waterways of the Chesapeake Bay. Area of Operations will be historic downtown, Annapolis, the United States Naval Academy, Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, the Severn River and Chesapeake Bay.
2. Mission. Gather, reminisce, conduct a reconnaissance of the U.S. Naval Academy, cheer Navy on to gridiron victory, conduct amphibious operations on the Severn River, eat, drink, have fun.
a. Thursday, 10 Sept:
i. Arrive in Annapolis, check in to Historic Inns of Annapolis Governor Calvert House, 58 State Circle, Annapolis.
ii. 1700 Assembly and Happy Hour upstairs bar at Harry Browne’s Tavern, 66 State Circle (next to Calvert House)
iii. 1830 Dinner at Galway Bay Irish Restaurant, 63 Maryland Ave (around corner from Harry Browne’s)
iv. Post dinner socializing: Harry Browne’s Bar
b. Friday, 11 Sept:
i. 0815 Breakfast on own at Chick and Ruth’s Del, 185 Main Street (three blocks from Calvert House) Web www.chickandruths.com
ii. 0830 Recite Pledge of Allegiance at Chick and Ruth’s Deli (an Annapolis tradition worth participation)
iii. 0930 Walk to Naval Academy Gate 1 visitor’s entrance. Need military ID or two forms of civilian ID.
iv. 1000-1230 Walking tour of Naval Academy: Dahlgren Hall, Memorial Hall, Chapel, John Paul Jones Crypt, USNA History Museum.
v. 1230-1400 Lunch at Naval Academy Club The Alley.

vii. 1800 Happy Hour and dinner at The Boatyard Bar and Grill, 400 4th Street
c. Saturday, 12 Sept:
i. Breakfast on own
ii. 1000 Visit State Capitol and tour historic chambers where Washington resigned his commission.

shops of Main Street and Maryland Avenue. (Be sure to visit Irish Traditions, 141 Main Street where Col Will Holahan’s Military Tartans are on sale.)
iv. 1300-1445 Tailgate party (beer and snacks) at Davis parking spot No. 458 in the Gold Parking Lot at Navy Marine Corps Stadium. (Stadium is walking distance from hotel.) Wear Marine Corps logowear.
v. 1500 In seats for impressive March On of the Brigade of Midshipman and flyover.
vii. 1700 Happy Hour and Dinner McGarvey’s Saloon and Oyster Bar, City Dock. (McGarvey’s is a favorite gathering spot for Marines especially on 10 November.)
d. Sunday 13 Sept:
i. 1000 Brunch and farewell at Annapolis Yacht Club, 2 Compromise Street
4. Admin and Logistics
a. Annapolis is 30 minutes drive time from BWI Airport or the BWI Amtrak Station. It’s an hour drive (traffic permitting from Reagan National Airport and 1-2 hours drive from Dulles Airport. The hotel has parking access and there is plenty of public lot parking.
b. Hotel reservations may be made at Historic Inns of Annapolis by calling 410-263-2641. Room rate is $205 per night. Individuals must identify themselves as being with the group MARINE CORPS HEADQUARTERS DET 4 at the time the reservation is made. Cutoff date for reservations will be 10 August 2020.
c. A per capita fee will be calculated and collected for all group activities: the football game tailgate and tickets, skipjack cruise, and Yacht Club Sunday brunch. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be off the menu and the responsibility of each diner (Farrell’s Rules may apply.) There is no charge for the Naval Academy tour or State Capitol tour.
d. Reply to Drew Davis (mgendrewdavis@gmail.com) with:
i. Your arrival day/time.
ii. Your intended participation in:
1. Friday Naval Academy tour
2. Friday Lunch at the Naval Academy Club (number)
3. Friday Skipjack Cruise (number of cruisers) (price TBD)
4. Friday Boatyard dinner (number)
5. Saturday State Capitol tour
6. Saturday football game and tailgate (number of tickets)
7. Saturday McGarvey’s dinner (number)
8. Sunday Annapolis Yacht Club brunch (number)
iii. All events are within walking distance from the hotel, but Annapolis has Uber service for those who may need a lift.
e. Command and Communications
i. Drew Davis mobile phone is (847) 867-7026
ii. Margaret Davis is (202) 271-5845
iii. Drew’s email is mgendrewdavis@gmail.com.
iv. Historic Inns number is 410-263-2641.
Web address is www.historicinnsofannapolis.com .
Web address is www.historicinnsofannapolis.com .
See You in Annapolis. Semper Fi,
Preview YouTube video Naptown Funk

Naptown Funk
Warning Order Det 4 Reunion Sep 10 through 13, 2020, Annapolis, Navy Academy
Situation: Reunion - Annapolis, Navy Academy
Mission: Tell sea stories, eat, drink, party, sail, watch Navy football, tour the Naval Academy.
Execution: This is mandatory Drill! Be There and Be Square, On Time and On Target, unless you have an excused absence from your Dr. and/or Spouse.
Administration/Logistics: Details to follow but will include a sailboat excursion, Navy football game, tour of the Naval Academy, eating and drinking, morning formation and run, and a PFT. Details on the meeting hotel to follow:
Command/Signal: Emails to follow, Info will be on our blog, http://det4.blogspot.com/
Drew and Margaret are putting this together. Our thanks to them. Check out the very cool website of the organization that Drew is running.
Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration/Logistics, Command/Signal
SMEAC is the five paragraph order and is used by the Marine Corps, Army and other parts of the United States Military. The five paragraph order stands for Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration/Logistics, Command/Signal.
We put this in for the old zoomies and grunts who forgot what it means.
Semper Fi