Sounds good to me. I'll be there, Lord willin', and the creek don't rise.
Sounds wonderful, CondiNest ranks it second in Midwest.
(Only behind my old house in Griffith, IN.
Sarah/Sally and I are attending, The God Lord willing.
At BWI at moment, nothing conflicts in my phone.
Will check more upon getting back to quarters.
Interrogative, even though we always Drilled on weekend is there some unintended consequence(s), or problem with drilling during one of the weeks?
Love y’all.
Good point, Ivan. No magic to the weekend for most of us. And some places might be cheaper during the week. Why don't we expand the discussion to include the weekdays between the two weekends? Either weekend and also the weekdays in between work for us. We prefer the second weekend but will come on either one and/or during the week.
This is a great location.
S / F
Great idea. Being retired, every day is a Saturday and every night is Friday night.
Lynn Wardlow
Craig/Ivan make a great point (even if they are zoomies) weekdays with kids still in school would definitely be cheaper and it's not like any of us have "critical work issues" anymore. I vote for the week between suggested dates.
S/F Mac
Ivan / Homan / Braun are Zoomies.
Woz, Craig Wood RIP, Eric Bennet, Jim Bailey and I are commo's and worked for a living.
We tell the grunts and zoomies what to do, when to do it, and where to go!
So Craig are you under the illusion that we listened 
No! No illusions that the grunts and zoomies paid any attention.
Funny story. Drew and I came up with the bright idea to tell TBS Lieutenants about the Marine Reserves. Drew and I were at Quantico for Command and Staff College.
Most of us did not know anything about the Reserves when we were on active duty. When I got off active duty I grew my beard and started college. After a few months I decided to look into the Reserves and went to Glenview. I had a full beard, and I saw a Captain in the hall. I told him I used to be a Marine Lieutenant and did they have any Reserve jobs for a commo. He said no. I had no idea there was a Comm Squadron near my home! Almost missed my Marine Reserve career.
Drew and I contacted TBS and volunteered our services for a presentation.
The RLU Col went high and to the right. He caught us at some reception and fired us up! How dare we do this without clearing it with him! He was afraid that the active duty would think this was an effort to steal Lieutenants from the active forces to the Reserves. Pretty stupid, but he was wound up.
I was apologizing and genuflecting. Not Drew. He fires up the Col. Great fight! The dispute went up to the General level, and we were permitted to make our pitch to TBS.
The RLU Colonel told us our presentation would be closely monitored and we had better watch it. No stealing from the active duty ranks.
They added a Zoomie presentor to Drew and I. He was a CH-46 pilot with two silver stars.
The Zoomie pitched the zoomie business and Drew pitched the grunts. I talked about the air control, comm elec, and electronic warfare units. We told them about Reserve units, how to get a Reserve job, where the units were, and to consider joining the Reserves if they decided against an active duty career.
I used my line about commo's telling the grunts and zoomies what to do and where to go. Got a good response.
I think those Lieutenants learned much more about the Reserves than we ever knew while we were on active duty. I think it likely we got some good officers in the Reserves.
Interested but too early to say dates work.
Larry/Joe great job...this location looks outstanding. Either weekend works for Sue and I; Sunday Mothers Day Brunch at this location will be very busy. We will most likely drive, but MKE is a superior option to ORD.
S/F Mac
Sounds good to me so far, but Mother's Day is out.
Lynn Wardlow
Thanks for the planning…Lake Geneva is a wonderful spot…we have both weekends on our calendar, but prefer the 10th-12th as 3rd Battalion 5th Marines reunion is the following weekend and it would be nice to wrap the trips together
June & I are in for, during week, Grand Geneva dates…
Comments: MLK is better than ORD but be careful you don’t connect thru ORD!
Last time I played golf there rate is over $100 but Retired/Military rate was $30 cart fee 
James Homan Col USMC (ret)
Sounds good, but I am unable to travel.
Semper Fi
Jim Bailey
I would love to attend in Lake Geneva, however, I cannot predict if we will be able to attend. Jack is still recovering from pancreatitis, et al, that started 15 July 2022. Hopefully final surgery scheduled for next week.
Thanks for the invite.
AliceMarie Joralemon-Strong
Joanne and I are good for the first week/weekend of May.
I get to drop off my youngest son at O’Hare tomorrow morning for the first leg of his PCS to Okinawa. They have changed the tour length from the 12 months when I did it in ’86 to 36 months for him.
Semper Fi!
Terry Sebold
Hey Marines,
The 10-12 May dates would work for us but the weekdays following would be even better. We have our Grandson’s high school graduation Sunday 19 May in Wheaton, IL so we wouldn’t be able to make the Reunion if it was that weekend.
Semper Fi,
Woz & Linda
More info about the resort at: