Jim Homan flew in the A-6 in the Museum, making him a Museum Piece. George Braun arrived late, (airplane problems), but just in time to brief us on the F8 and F4, which he drove in Vietnam. His airplanes are also now Museum artifacts. George was later observed doing virtual reality carrier quals.
Lunch was at the Museum in the reconstructed Cubi Point O' Club which was evacuated from the Phillipines by Drew Davis and his Battalion (another Det Museum Piece). The 3D movie on military aviation, and dinner at MacGuires were great. Drew and Margaret Davis and Craig and Phyllis Wood hosted brunch at the generals quarters. General Davis taught us a new Steelthrust Dice game developed to teach Generals about Strategy. The game involved deep thinking and strategy and big winnings - no photos were taken to protect the guilty.
Semper Fi