So we are at Andrews Air Force Base in DC waiting to catch a flight. We saw Secret Service everywhere outside the base in their SUV's The President must be coming in.
Then I saw Marine 1, the President's helicopter - photos above. I searched for where President Biden is and the internet showed his location. He is flying in from San Francisco, and should be here at Andrews in 30 minutes. Will see him coming off the plane, I think. Then I suppose he will get on the Marine helicopter and fly to the White House.
Very tight security. The just went through the terminal with bomb sniffing dogs. I asked a young Secret Service guy if I could take photos of the plane when he came in. He said no.
Later this evening we will board a C-17 to Travis Air Force Base in California. We were going to Germany or England yesterday but the planes were too full. Going Space A to Europe is tough in the summer when all the kids of the active duty are traveling. They fly first before retirees. So we will try to go to California, then Alaska, then see our daughter in Washington State.
Photos of our earlier flights on a C-17.
CH-47 inside of a C-17 - The Helo Coming Home From Afghanistan via Rota, Spain. Thanks to the Army and Air Force for bringing us home. Nice trip. My wife noticed that the Helo was in very poor condition. She asked the Army NCO if they were going to junk it? "No, he replied. We will fix it up and fly it for 25 more years."
The Head emerges

Shot from the KC-135 refueling position McChord to Travis