Det 4 Marine Corps Symposium
Sarasota, Florida
January 29 - 30 - 31, 2018
Mon - Tue - Wed
RSVP for 2018 Marine Symposium events.
More or less Accurate unless hacked by Rooskies, the VC or ISIS.
Coming as of Jan 26, 2018 - 29 | Boat Tour | Dinner | Fishing | Dinner Cruise | MacDill |
| Monday | Monday | Tuesday | Tuesday | USSOC |
Doug Barney - health permitting | | 1 | | 1 | |
George and Cathy Braun | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Joe and Barb Brooks | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Drew and Margaret Davis | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Jim and Mary Dunn | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Byron and Janet Hill | | | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Jim and June Homan | 2 | 2 | | 2 | 2 |
William and Kay Holahan | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Robert and Ann Hudon | | 2 | | 2 | |
Craig and Beth Hullinger | | 2 | | 2 | 2 |
Mac and Sue Maclaughlin | | 2 | | 2 | |
Ken and Bev Morey | 2 | 2 | | 2 | |
Bob Raclaw | | 1 | | 1 | 1 |
Lynn Wardlow | 1 | 1 | | 1 | |
Ron and Linda Wozniak | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Ivan and Sara Zimmer | | 2 | | 2 | |
Guests - Will Holohan | | 2 | | | |
Total | 16 | 29 | 11 | 29 | 15 |
Arrive Monday Jan 29, 2018
Depart Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Monday Jan 29, 2018
1000 - Muster with the Reunion Committee - Byron, Janet, Woz, Linda, Craig, Beth at the Lido Beach Resort Cafe Lobby Bar. Get your gifts. If you are not going on the boat tour Beth and Craig will help you choose the morning option - Shopping at St Armands (free shuttle from hotel), beach, pool, or visit Selby Gardens, Mote Marine, or the Ringling Museum, or downtown Sarasota - details below. We will have brochures at the muster. If you are coming later - no sweat - hook up with us after you get there.
Confirm that you are going on the dinner cruise on Tuesday. Craig will buy the group tickets - you can reimburse him for the $57 a piece.
1200 - Two Hour cruise - Boat Tour of the Bay - tour Captain Gilligan (Woz) and Captain Byron Hill - FREE! for those who don't want the boat tour - you can relax on the beach or at the pool, or shop at St. Armands, or several other things listed below. We will meet in the front lobby of the hotel and car pool to the boat launch at 1200.
1500 - Meet at the Lido Beach Resort Cafe Lobby Bar, Happy Hour Meet and Greet.
1630 - Pub crawl/shopping on St Armands Circle - 7 blocks away, free shuttle / car / forced march / combat shuffle to and
1800 - Dinner Crab and Finn Restaurant on St Armands Circle. 420 St Armands Circle
2000+- - Join us at the Tiki Bar at the Lido Beach Resort or if the weather is bad the Lido Beach Resort Cafe Lobby Bar or the bar on the 8th floor.
Walks on the Beach / Drown Proofing in the Surf / PFT / Mad Passionate Love on the Beach on your own.
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
0500 - PT and 3 mile run on the beach. If we are not there start without us.
0800 - Boats - fishing led by Captain Woz and Captain Byron Hill - for those who don't want to spend the day on the boat - you can relax on the beach or at the pool, or shop at St. Armands, or many things to do on your own - will list below. We will meet in the front lobby of the hotel at 0800 and car pool to the boat launch.
1000 - Shopping for non fisherman at St Armands, beach, pool, or Mote Marine, Selby Gardens, Golf or the Ringling Museum on your own.
1500 - Join us at the Cafe Lido at the Lido Key resort.
1600 - Muster at Cafe Lido, Drive to Marina Jacks - 1.5 miles away. 2 Marina Plaza, Cruise boards at 1630, Cruise 1700 to 1900
1630 Cruise Boards, 1700 - 1900 Dinner cruise Craig will pay for the group tickets - you can reimburse Craig.
2100 - RTB, Tiki Bar, or Cafe Lido or 8th floor bar.
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
0500 - PT and 3 mile run on the beach. If we are delayed start without us.
1000 - Breakfast in the hotel - Cafe Lido - visit, scheme plan, check out, debrief - adios, amigo
1330 - Special Operations Command Brief at MacDill Air Force Base, optional Manatee viewing on the way.
Google Map Directions,+Saint+Armands+Circle,+Sarasota,+FL/Lido+Beach+Resort,+700+Benjamin+Franklin+Dr,+Sarasota,+FL+34236/Freedom+Boat+Club,+Marina+Plaza,+Sarasota,+FL/Marina+Jack,+Marina+Plaza,+Sarasota,+FL/@27.3229263,-82.5782063,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m26!4m25!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c36a9194712ead:0xdd72b0845ed543ea!2m2!1d-82.576482!2d27.318075!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c36a88dcc5e883:0xc8c218ae84109d34!2m2!1d-82.5751188!2d27.3101343!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c34011553ee5c7:0x8be36dc82bf04051!2m2!1d-82.5459535!2d27.3328555!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c34011553ee5c7:0xcc5b5868f3977bec!2m2!1d-82.54607!2d27.332952!3e0
Printable Schedule
Wed Jan 31, 2018 - Optional extension 1330
Drew Davis has arranged a Marine Command Briefs at MacDill Air Force Base with the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). You can stay an extra day at Lido Beach, or move to the Temporary Military Lodging on MacDill. It is new and very nice. Of course active duty personnel have the first call on quarters so it is possible you could get bumped.
The new and nice MacDill Inn is located at 7637 Bayshore Blvd., Bldg. 350. Reservations can be made in advance by emailing or calling the MacDill Inn Reservations Office, DSN 312-968-4259 or 813-828-4259.
Attendees and Brief on the folks going to MacDill on Wed. You should be able to edit this document yourself - please make it mo bettah. Or you can email your scoop to me and will add it.
Byron notes that you can see 100's of Manatees (Sea Cows) at the Big Bend Power Station in Apollo Beach, which is off of I-75 on the way from Sarasota to MacDill. The viewing is free and is located at the discharge of a power plant, where the Manatees gather for the winter. It is on the way to MacDill.
Google map directions - Lido Resort to Manatee viewing at the TECO Big Bend Station to MacDill AFB. It takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes to get to MacDill via the Manatee viewing at Teco Big Bend Station, so allow enough time to get to MacDill for the 1330 brief. You can see the Manatees in 20 minutes or so.
Click the link below for Google map directions.,+700+Benjamin+Franklin+Dr,+Sarasota,+FL+34236/Teco+Big+Bend+Station,+603+Big+Bend+Rd,+Apollo+Beach,+FL+33572/MacDill+Air+Force+Base,+3108+N+Boundary+Blvd,+Tampa,+FL+33621/@27.6326033,-82.7449047,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m20!4m19!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c36a88dcc5e883:0xc8c218ae84109d34!2m2!1d-82.5751188!2d27.3101343!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c2d9ee5e168593:0xd71c7cb95c82e001!2m2!1d-82.403426!2d27.795389!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c2dcf5474f2bc3:0xc06d74ca0ddb859e!2m2!1d-82.4975823!2d27.8642367!3e0
List of RSVP by Event
Recall Roster

We certainly look forward to welcoming you and your group to our resort in January. We appreciate your selection of The Lido Beach Resort.
As stated in our agreement, Individual reservations are due by December 30, 2017. Call our reservations desk, reachable at 800-441-2113. When calling please be sure to mention the Det 4 Marine Corps Symposium. If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.Thank you again for selecting The Lido Beach Resort.
Kim Lemke
Area Sales Manager
If anyone has trouble making a reservation or they are being told that there are no rooms available, please provide them with my phone number and have them contact me directly. I will then take care of their reservation while I have them on the phone and add rooms to the block. This will be better than you having to be the middle person and will allow me to identify any issues with the block as they come up.
Kimberly Lemke| Area Sales Manager
Lido Beach Resort
Rooms are expensive in Florida in the winter and the Lido Beach Resort is very nice. You can get a little lower cost room at two close by hotels - The Holiday Inn at Lido Beach
and the Sand Castle Lido Beach
An even lower cost option would be to stay at the lodging at MacDill Air Force Base, which is a little over an hour from the Lido Beach Resort. Of course you have the commuting costs.
There are also numerous lower cost motels on Rt 41 a few miles north of downtown Sarasota.
Getting here - From Tampa International Airport TPA. The Tampa Airport is large and provides relatively low air fares. The Sarasota Bradenton Airport is close to St Armands, but a little more costly to fly into. Allegiant Air also offers low cost air from many small airports in the north to either St Petersburg-Clearwater Airport or Punta Gorda.
Click below for route:,+4100+George+J+Bean+Parkway,+Tampa,+FL+33607/lido+beach+resort/@27.6469548,-83.0668076,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c2c246939e4443:0x7a5b8408c601d509!2m2!1d-82.5370781!2d27.9834776!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c36a88dcc5e883:0xc8c218ae84109d34!2m2!1d-82.575089!2d27.310252
From Sarasota/Bradenton International Airport SRQ
Click below for route:,+6000+Airport+Circle,+Sarasota,+FL+34243/lido+beach+resort/@27.350548,-82.6113303,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c33fd3a22af455:0xcba0ca79061be50a!2m2!1d-82.5533147!2d27.3874231!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c36a88dcc5e883:0xc8c218ae84109d34!2m2!1d-82.575089!2d27.310252

St. Armands Key (Circle) Shopping District
Click an area below for a larger view.

Click an area above for a larger view.
| |
| |
| 331 | THE BEACH HOUSE | 338-1205 |
| 12 | CARMAN'S HANDBAGS | 388-0001 |
| 12 | CARRIAGE CLOTHIERS | 388-1143 |
| 11 | CHAPPY | 388-1868 |
| 353 | CHICO'S CASUAL CLOTHING | 388-2926 |
| 378 | CHICO'S CASUAL CLOTHING | 388-1393 |
| 359 | CRAZY SHIRTS | 388-1105 |
| 364 | DREAM WEAVER | 388-1974 |
| 481 | FOXY LADY WEST | 388-5239 |
| 1 | FRESH PRODUCE | 388-1883 |
| 355 | ISLAND PURSUIT | 388-4004 |
| 326 | JOLIE'S OF ST. ARMANDS | 388-3040 |
| 349 | THE LADIES TEE | 388-1320 |
| 19 | LITTLE BO-TIQUE | 388-1737 |
| 462 | MANGO BAY BEACH CO | 388-2027 |
| 444 | MANGO BAY SWIMWEAR CO | 388-2027 |
| 442 | MANGO BAY TRADING CO | 388-2027 |
| 371 | MARK, FORE & STRIKE | 388-4427 |
| 352 | OH MY GAUZE! | 388-1964 |
| 9A | OLIVIA | 388-1677 |
| 351 | REBECCA'S | 388-4005 |
| 362C | SIMPLY NATURAL | 388-3444 |
| 370 | SOFT AS A GRAPE | 388-2802 |
| 14 | TAFFY'S | 388-1155 |
| 300 | TOMMY BAHAMA | 388-2888 |
| 321 | THE WHITE HOUSE/BLACK MARKET | 388-5033 |
| |
Real Estate
| |
| 330 | ARVIDA REALTY SERVICES | 388-4433 |
| 500B | CANDY SWICK & CO | 954-9000 |
| 309 | ERA MOUNT VERNON REALTY | 388-3994 |
| 310 | HANLY & ASSOCIATES REALTY | 388-2331 |
| 61 | MICHAEL SAUNDERS & CO | 388-4447 |
| 409 | MY REALTY COMPANY | 388-2345 |
| 438 | SARASOTA REALTY | 926-7000 |
| |
Specialty Shops
| |
| 386 | THE ALPHABET SHOP | 388-1505 |
| 367A | BINJARA TRADERS, INC. | 388-3335 |
| 314 | DESTINATION FLORIDA | 388-2119 |
| 361 | GARDEN ARGOSY | 388-6402 |
| 357 | GLOBAL NAVIGATOR | 388-4514 |
| 15 | IVORY COAST | 388-1999 |
| 28B | YVES DELORME | 388-4494 |
| 9 | SARASOTA SILVER | 388-5564 |
| 25 | SQUARE ON THE CIRCLE | 388-1322 |
| 343 | SUNGLASS EXPRESS & RX | 388-5115 |
| 440 | SUNGLASS HUT INT'L | 388-5049 |
| 9 | THE TABBY CAT | 388-3021 |
| 318 | TED E. BEAR SHOPPE | 388-3757 |
| 465A | TENNIS LOOK | 388-2002 |
| 411 | TROPICALTREASURES | 388-3602 |
| |
1-Hour Photo
| |
| 3 | PHOTO CENTER | 388-2024 |
| |
Salons/Day Spas
| |
| 14 | BOB LENARI HAIRSTYLING | 388-5515 |
| 6 | LES CISEAUX | 388-217 |
| 10 | LORIA'S HAIR DESIGN | 388-5500 |
| |
| |
| 434 | CARMAN'S SHOES | 388-3561 |
| 57 | REASON'S SHOES | 388-1602 |
| |
Medical & Pharmacy
| |
| 500 | ST ARMANDS MEDICAL | 388-4408 |
| 19 | ST ARMANDS PHARMACY | 388-3604 |
| |
Specialty Department Stores
| |
| 443 | JACOBSON'S, INC | 388-3907 |
| 40 | MAUS & HOFFMAN | 388-2551 |
| 35 | THE MET (Spa/Shop) | 388-3991 |
| |
| |
| 400 | A.G. EDWARDS & SONS, INC | 388-5075 |
| 400 | ST. ARMANDS LAW GROUP | 388-4499 |
| |
| |
| 382 | BARNIE'S COFFEE & TEA COMPANY | 388-1195 |
| 470 | BLUE DOLPHIN CAFE | 388-3566 |
| 431 | CAFE L'EUROPE | 388-4415 |
| 420 | CHARLEY'S CRAB | 388-3964 |
| 328 | DAVID MICHAELS | 388-4429 |
| 325 | HEMINGWAY'S RESTAURANT & BAR | 388-3948 |
| 419 | HUNGRY FOX RESTAURANT | 388-2222 |
| 24 | MORTY'S BAGEL CAFE | 388-3811 |
| 29 | OSTERIA RESTAURANT | 388-3671 |
| 5A | ST. ARMANDS DELI | 388-3187 |
| |
Gift Shops
| |
| 319 | HURRICANE RITA | 388 2766 |
| 27 | LEE'S OF ST ARMANDS | 388-1336 |
| 362A | LOVE FROM FLORIDA | 388-2656 |
| 314 | THE MOLE HOLE | 388-3236 |
| 465C | SPECIAL THINGS AT ST ARMANDS | 388-5003 |
| 14 | TO DIE FOR! | 388-5106 |
| 472 | WET NOSES | 388-3647 |
| |
| |
| 415 | JOHN DINEEN GALLERY | 388-2992 |
| 24A | PERRY SHERWOOD GALLERY | ·388-5334 |
| 17 | SAGE SPIRIT | 388-2975 |
| 8 | ST ARMANDS WOODERY | 388-1406 |
| 465D | WYLAND GALLERIES | 388-5331 |
| |
Horse Carriage
| |
| | BUCKINGHAM CARRIAGE | 322-1762 |
| |
| |
| 540 | ROSS & BABCOCK TRAVEL BUREAU | 388-3975 |
| 400 | ST. ARMANDS TRAVEL | 388-4421 |
| |
| |
| 339 | ALEXANDER FINE JEWELERS | 388-2300 |
| 22 | ARMEL JEWELERS | 388-3711 |
| 24 | BARON D'ORR JEWELRY | 388-2099 |
| 5 | FABULOUSFAUXJEWELRY | 388-2582 |
| 7 | JEWELRY BY COLE | 388-3323 |
| 482 | McCARVER & MOSER | 388-3666 |
| 16 | OPTIONAL ART | 388-2317 |
| 413A | OTTO'S JEWELRY SERVICE INC | 388-4236 |
| 347 | SIMONA FASHION JEWELRY | 388-1313 |
| 410 | TILDEN ROSS | 388-3338 |
| 21 | UNIQUITY | 388-2212 |
| 464 | YAMRON JEWELERS | 388-5200 |
| 380A | ZEMIL | 388-3636 |
| |
Dry Cleaners
| |
| |
Ice Cream/Confections
| |
| 372A | BEN & JERRY'S | 388-5226 |
| 561 | BIG OLAF CREAMERY | 388-4108 |
| 312 | KILWIN'S CHOCOLATES & ICE CREAM | 388-3200 |
| 367 | SETTIMI'S | 388-4485 |
| |
| |
| 478 | CIRCLE BOOKS | 388-2850 |
St. Armands history and restaurants >
Additional Nearby Attractions That You Can Do On Your Own
There are many things to do on your own. The Lido Beach resort has a nice Tiki Bar on the beach and a bar on the 8th floor with a great view. St Armands Circle is 7 blocks north with a wide array of shopping and restaurants. There is a free shuttle from the hotel to St Armands. Mote Marine is a very nice aquarium in a great setting one mile north. Selby Gardens is a lovely bottanical garden on Sarasota Bay. The Ringling Circus Museum is also a very interesting venue - with the Ringling Mansion, Circus, and Art Museum. Map and map link below:
Google Maps to these venues:,+Ken+Thompson+Parkway,+Sarasota,+FL/Lido+Beach+Grille,+8th+Floor+Lido+Beach+Resort,+700+Benjamin+Franklin+Dr,+Sarasota,+FL+34236/Marina+Jack,+Marina+Plaza,+Sarasota,+FL/Marie+Selby+Botanical+Gardens,+South+Palm+Avenue,+Sarasota,+FL/Ringling+Circus+Museum,+Bay+Shore+Road,+Sarasota,+FL/@27.347633,-82.594598,13z/data=!4m32!4m31!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c36abc2c7776ad:0x7026201334c1848d!2m2!1d-82.5774491!2d27.332846!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c36a88dcc5e883:0x10105b495554330b!2m2!1d-82.5751155!2d27.310155!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c34011553ee5c7:0xcc5b5868f3977bec!2m2!1d-82.54607!2d27.332952!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c3406ab6f13b3d:0x13793990f183a79!2m2!1d-82.539777!2d27.328226!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c33fd87de68881:0x1dec6debd27209ff!2m2!1d-82.5614955!2d27.3836989!3e0
Optional - You are coming down from the cold. There are lots of things to do in Florida before or after the Symposium. Probably a good idea to stay a few days before or after the Symposium.
Wander Around Florida - Lido Key to MacDill AFB, Patrick AFB, Kennedy Space Center, NAS Jacksonville, Magic Kingdom.
Google Map Directions,+700+Benjamin+Franklin+Dr,+Sarasota,+FL+34236/MacDill+AFB,+South+Dale+Mabry+Highway,+Tampa,+FL/Patrick+Air+Force+Base,+FL/Kennedy+Space+Center,+Brevard+County,+FL/Jacksonville+Naval+Air+Station,+Jacksonville,+FL/Magic+Kingdom+Park,+1180+Seven+Seas+Dr,+Lake+Buena+Vista,+FL+32830/@28.7743568,-82.7106178,8z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m38!4m37!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c36a88dcc5e883:0xc8c218ae84109d34!2m2!1d-82.575089!2d27.310252!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c2dc4fbe58d893:0x59cec7b6f6bc0734!2m2!1d-82.5077829!2d27.8633348!1m5!1m1!1s0x88de1b45e963072d:0xd36eab71d392551d!2m2!1d-80.6075172!2d28.2394645!1m5!1m1!1s0x88e74b95a365c6fd:0x8b7339f246f869dd!2m2!1d-80.6489808!2d28.5728722!1m5!1m1!1s0x88e5c86c205596b9:0x757679986b20f4c4!2m2!1d-81.6782855!2d30.2295193!1m5!1m1!1s0x88dd7e536aa54b81:0x66b8bcd58da841a!2m2!1d-81.581212!2d28.417663!3e0
Disneyland - Nice to visit in Orlando.
Shades of Green Resort on Disney property is a nice and affordable resort.
Offering Discounts for Retired Military Rates
Military Lodging
Or you could go down to Key West. You can drive or take the ferry from Fort Meyers. The Navy has nice lodging in Key West.,+700+Benjamin+Franklin+Dr,+Sarasota,+FL+34236/Homestead+Air+Reserve+Base,+Homestead+Base,+FL/Navy+Lodge+Key+West,+Arthur+Sawyer+Drive,+Key+West,+FL/@25.9491135,-82.5795057,8z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m20!4m19!1m5!1m1!1s0x88c36a88dcc5e883:0xc8c218ae84109d34!2m2!1d-82.575089!2d27.310252!1m5!1m1!1s0x88d9dc60311b907d:0x137199dd079d6dde!2m2!1d-80.3909163!2d25.4860421!1m5!1m1!1s0x88d1b6b89ca1fc9d:0x3c283674598a4442!2m2!1d-81.775296!2d24.5815598!3e0
Beth and Craig Hullinger |
You could take this opportunity to fly Space A to Europe. Macdill, Jacksonville, Norfolk, Andrews, and BWI all have flight opportunities. Come down with your passports, ready to travel, and if a flight comes up, take it!! Woz, Linda, Beth and I went from Macdill to England and then on to Germany last year. More info on my blog,, and we will be glad to tell you more by email or at the symposium.
Call us if you get lost or arrested. If you need bail money
call Woz or Byron.
Byron Hill_________ 573 424 9528
Craig Hullinger______ 309 634 5557
Ron Wozniak______ 941 779 5448